

Wow it's been too long for me to write anything here. My apologies.

I was watching Desperate Housewives S08 last night, Bree, one of my favorite ladies, is now in a very bad situation. Bree: " I had a perfect life, a doctor husband, two BEAUTIFUL children, a succesful business and a few LOVELY friends who loved me and my family and would just do anything for me..." She kind of reminded me of myself. It reminded me of the beautiful things and friends i had that i didn't cheirsh enough. I had a really good life. I have had a couple friends that i loved really dearly and i miss them. Things are so different now that we are moving on or we have moved on.

It makes me wonder how comes a super close relationship would come to an end. I can't figure it out but i got a conclusion that when a relationship has to come to an end, the closer you were, the more distant you would be after the breakup.

Sorry, so far that's not really an update but how i have been feeling lately.

Now, the update :) I have moved to Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Province Hebei, due to work since June and i have a new position here too, secretary of the Foreign Affair Office of our headquarter company! omg, i have to say I love this position here! it's exactly what i want my job to be. I remember how upset i was when they assigned me to the substation department, i felt i would be either electrocuted or fired because of my super strong fear of the electricty lol ok maybe i'm exaggering a bit :D it's cool but it can be nerve-wracking and exhausting when you have to deal with those foreign people and you are trying to impress your boss with an excellent job. but overall, i love it here. i love the job and my super sweet boss. She can be really difficult sometimes but very nice most of the time. She has helped me grow so much the past few months. i am very truely grateful.