
God opens a window somewhere

Well, i'm still feeling torn up inside.

Here's my story: Right before i headed off to work this morning, Julee called me :" where are you! did u forget we're having a meeting today?" OH.MY.GOSH i did forget and i was awefully late. i took a cab there, everyone was there staring at me who was breathing heavily and terribly emabarrassed :( It was a sign of my bad day!

well, as you all know that we were switching among all the divisions of the company so that we would get a general idea of how the company is running. However, seems like every division is in bad need of people. so the swithing thing ended. we were permanently assigned! Guess what?! I was assigned to a substation.!!!!! I was like geeze are u HR people blind?! a GIRL-me who majored in English was assigned to a substation?! can you believe that? FYI, what a substation person would be basically is to monitor the machines and close circuit breakers to recommence the supply of power(makes sense?) so, Obviously it's really not sth girls would fancy and more importanly this job doesn't fancy girls. For one second i felt like God was messing with me.

I came home upset. my parents and granny was SOO worried, they were like honey are you okay? me- no, obviously not! them-what happend? so i told them i was assigned. and they tried to console me but i just wanted them to leave me alone! No need to say i got them worked up. *sigh* sorry....

C'est la vie. Life always throws us curveballs. However there are always ups and downs!!! God closes a door, he will/has oppen(ed) a door somewhere i know it! I will have to do good at work! i've been using this excuse-oh i didn't major in electric engeering, i don't think i can do this. I will prove it wrong! I can do it!

I want to say Thank you to my parents, Granny and my brother-Jeremy. thank you for being there for me! It means so much! I love you ❤

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